
Hello my name is Shannon Fox I'm a 23 year old mum currently on maternity leave. Before I became a mum I was working at McDonalds not the most glam job but I like working as a part of a team... but my ultimate job would be working as a graphic designer as I spent a good while and a small fortune studying to become one. But finding a job in the part of Scotland that Im in seams near enough impossible, so I will just have to hold out for a lottery win or hope my blog takes off.
My ULTIMATE goal in life is to travel to Japan and visit all the places that I know about like the studio glibly museum or the Kasuga Shrine... I could go on to list hundreds more places and things  that I want to go see or do. Of course I would love to take my family with me especially my younger sister as we have both shared a fascination with Japan ever since we discovered anime at 11 and 12 years old it wouldn't be a trip without her.
I would love for my son to have the opportunity to visit this magical place with me when he is older too.
I also like to game which is another thing me and my sister share a passion for and I love to snowboard too a main hobby of my husband. We cannot wait to get Jackson on his first board!
I hope you find my blog interesting and entertaining enough to return, comments are always welcome and I love to receive feedback positive or negative as long as its constructive.

This is Chris my Husband well we have been engaged for about 7 years but we haven't gotten round to the wedding but we call each other Husband and Wife we may as well be we have been together so long... He plays for a local Hockey team and practices most weekends he also likes to snowboard in the winter and play on his xbox. Our baby Jackson currently loves to wave his arms and legs about and sing away to himself :D

This is my Lovely sister she is only a year younger than me so we are very close. She loves Japan and anime just as much as me. She also loves cats and has two of them. She also has the craziest skin care regime that I have ever seen and the best fashion sense. 

This is our puppy-cat Axel she is a lovely yet annoying little thing who tends to meow all day and night. 
Below we have our puppy-dog Romeo who seams to be well behaved and yet mischievous at the same time. 




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