Angel care bath


I think this bath is a great baby product to get. Jackson can sit comfortably and safely in the big bath and I can wash and play with him in it rather than try to hold a wriggly wet baby all the time. Its made of silicone for the seat part which drains off the water easily and keeps your baby's back nice and warm. It has rubber stoppers on the bottom to stop it moving around and is curved to comfortably cradle your baby. When I give Jackson a bath I normally put him in the chair for a little bit to get him washed and then I take him out and hold him in the water so he can move his arms and legs around and just enjoy the water. I must admit that I make my baths a lot deeper than what is recommended and I make it slightly warmer than what is recommended. I do this because I am constantly watching him and because we can play in the bath anywhere from 10 to 30 mins. I believe that bath time should be playful and not just for washing, as a matter of fact I think their are so many opportunities to play and make everything fun; like nappy changes He loves playing with his nappy off and wave his legs around in the air. I think its important to do everything playfully and not rush bath/nappy changes or bedtime ect... that way they enjoy everything more. Anyhow, once bath time is over you can Hang it up out the way to dry. Another use I have found is for the shower. I sometimes take him into the shower with me so I can keep an eye on him and to get him washed at the same time. So I place him in the end of the bath where the water doesn't get him (in a warm room) I wrap him up in a towel and get myself showered and then its his turn so I lift him up and under the warm water and give him a quick wash and lots of cuddles ❤︎ Then when its time to get out I simply put him back into the chair wrap him up and get myself dried and into a gown and then I get him out. 

I bought mine for about £20 

Buy it here in Blue or Pink: 

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