Just an update


Just a quick update on things coming up in life and what I'm looking forward too... 
In the last month I had to have an operation to remove an abscess in my lower back and I was left with an open wound that needed to heal from the inside out... I know it sounds gross. Anyhow, one of the things I want to do with Jackson is take him swimming in a swimming pool. I was looking for lessons but there are none in my area. Now that I am almost fully healed I should be able to go swimming with him in the next few weeks, he loves his baths so hopefully he will like the pool.
I am worried about the logistics of the whole thing like getting dressed and I will be double checking that its warm enough. I'm also going to go and try out a baby and toddler group since my time wont be spent at the hospital. YAY! 
My birthday is also coming up on the 10th, I will be turning 23 this year! So what I would like to do for my Birthday is to go into town have one cocktail and celebrate by buying myself something nice and go to the movies, this will all depend on if I can get a babysitter of course! If no one is available well I might have to make do with a nice takeaway and some hardcore online shopping! 
I'm also going to see if I can get tickets to our local comic con for later on in the year and I would love to do some family cosplay. I might have to ask for a sewing machine for my Birthday and start making our costumes. 

Hopefully we have more adventures in between... keep you posted <3

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