Preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome


I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome at 38 weeks.
It all started with a routine check up from my midwife, she noticed that my blood pressure had been slowly rising throughout my pregnancy and booked me an extra appointment the following week. 
I expected this appointment to be like every other appointment. However, I was shocked and was on the brink of tears when she said that I had to go into hospital to be induced. I was scared, my mother had preeclampsia so when she told me about my blood pressure and protein in my urine I just knew that I would be diagnosed too. 
When we got to the hospital my suspicions were confirmed. I had preeclampsia and I was going to be induced or so I thought. Eventually after a few hours of nervously waiting my blood test results had returned, I would not be induced but instead prepped for an emergency c-section under anaesthesia. This was due to me being diagnosed with HELLP syndrome as well as Preeclampsia. 
I was scared senseless. I donned my hospital gown and was wheeled off to theatre. There were at least several people all introducing themselves one after another while shoving needles into my arm and attaching monitors. I had the mask placed over my mouth and was told to take deep breaths in, one, two, three... and then nothing. I was out. 

I awakened confused and disorientated I was seeing double there were two of my husband and two nurses and two beautiful tiny babies, I of course knew there was only one of each. I remember very little in the first few days of my sons life. That first moment I seen him was all a blur I remember seeing him and shouting out about how cute he was and for Chris to have skin to skin contact with him. I remember trying to breastfeed him but falling in and out of consciousness. The nurse said he needed formula and that I should pick one. I chose cow and gate because they sent me a toy cow in the mail for Jackson. The next few days in-between my sleeping spell I got to watch my son from the hospital bed I barely got to hold him or comfort him. I couldn't get up and didn't even know what day it was. Eventually I managed to recover enough to stand and I got moved to the general ward. where I was kept a few more days, feeding difficulties and recovering delayed everything. 
This first week was not a great one and not one I want to experience ever again.
 I feel that I was lucky to not end up in ICU and that my baby was healthy, other people aren't.
This was far from the lovely natural bith I had hoped for. I missed out on the first few days of bonding, I never got to hold him or dress him or change him. Breastfeeding eventually failed too.
Im scared to fall pregnant again as I know that I might die. I know that your risk of stoke and heart disease increase after diagnosis. I had almost no symptoms that seamed to alert anyone my doctor dismissed my fears as normal pregnancy. I'm so lucky that I went to hospital when I did.

I was told that not much is known about preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome and there isn't a lot you can do to prevent it from happening. For more information about preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome visit:

In the future I wish to help raise money to help with research and support for people affected by these conditions.

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