Wee Gallery Soft Books


Wee Gallery soft books are brilliant and entertaining for my little Jackson. We bought pitter patter penguin and friendly faces in the wild. Both books are adorable but I have to say I really love the penguin book! Its so colourful! Both books have crinkly bits to make them extra entertaining. Babies really love contrasting colours so these are spot on. I think if you have a crib or cot with bars you could also weave them in-between for a play or before nap time. 

you can get both on amazon or from kidly.co.uk

Baby Products

Silent Reflux


My son Jackson got diagnosed with silent reflux by my health visitor. Silent reflux is apparently hard to get a diagnosis for according other parents on some online forms. So we are lucky that we have a health visitor who really listens to us. Reflux is where your baby brings up milk along with stomach acid into their mouths or gullet. Many baby's get some degree of reflux because their digestive system is still developing. Most of the time its not too much of a problem and most babies will grow out of it within the first year. However, like Jackson many babies have strong acid in their stomachs and it can really interrupt feeding, as we found out. At first I figured it might be colic where a baby will be crying for hours on end so I tried all kinds of things starting off with infacol, then gripe water, then we changed to comfort milk and we also tried colief of which none of them worked or they helped a little for a few days. Eventually after trying all these things my health visitor prescribed carobel to treat silent reflux and it has helped tremendously. 
Normal reflux symptoms : 

  • waking often at night
  • Comfort feeding to help with pain 
  • weight loss or poor weight gain 
  • Excessive crying or irritability during or after feeding 
  • Regurgitation

However what makes silent reflux more difficult to diagnose is the lack of outward symptoms, in other words they do not vomit the milk but instead they swallow it back down. So they actually gain a lot of weight and are seen to be thriving by most doctors. Which is what we were told when we took him into A&E at around 1 month old.  Jackson had stopped taking his normal amounts of milk and had been sick quite a lot. However, while in the waiting room he started to get hungry so we tried him on a bottle and he took the whole lot and fell into a deep peaceful sleep. So when we went in to see the doctor he just saw a peaceful sleeping baby. He did not see all the screaming and crying that he had done previously when drinking his milk. So we got no help at the time and were not taken seriously. On a side note, why is it that you have to look like your deaths door to be taken seriously ? It happened with my preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome where I went to the doctor and told them I didn't feel right and was told that everything I was feeling was completely normal and no further tests were done. At least my midwife listened because things could have been a lot worse.  

Anyhow, his current milk thickener seams to be working to keep all the milk in his tummy rather than on his jumpers.  I urge anyone to push past the colic label and try to get some help for acid reflux if they are extremely fussy while feeding or just go on a milk strike. Our little ones cannot tell us that their little throats are burning so its up to us as parents to try and make our babies as comfortable as possible and at least try and figure out whats up!

Baby Products

Angel care bath


I think this bath is a great baby product to get. Jackson can sit comfortably and safely in the big bath and I can wash and play with him in it rather than try to hold a wriggly wet baby all the time. Its made of silicone for the seat part which drains off the water easily and keeps your baby's back nice and warm. It has rubber stoppers on the bottom to stop it moving around and is curved to comfortably cradle your baby. When I give Jackson a bath I normally put him in the chair for a little bit to get him washed and then I take him out and hold him in the water so he can move his arms and legs around and just enjoy the water. I must admit that I make my baths a lot deeper than what is recommended and I make it slightly warmer than what is recommended. I do this because I am constantly watching him and because we can play in the bath anywhere from 10 to 30 mins. I believe that bath time should be playful and not just for washing, as a matter of fact I think their are so many opportunities to play and make everything fun; like nappy changes He loves playing with his nappy off and wave his legs around in the air. I think its important to do everything playfully and not rush bath/nappy changes or bedtime ect... that way they enjoy everything more. Anyhow, once bath time is over you can Hang it up out the way to dry. Another use I have found is for the shower. I sometimes take him into the shower with me so I can keep an eye on him and to get him washed at the same time. So I place him in the end of the bath where the water doesn't get him (in a warm room) I wrap him up in a towel and get myself showered and then its his turn so I lift him up and under the warm water and give him a quick wash and lots of cuddles ❤︎ Then when its time to get out I simply put him back into the chair wrap him up and get myself dried and into a gown and then I get him out. 

I bought mine for about £20 

Buy it here in Blue or Pink: 

Baby Products

Geo Floor Tiles by Skip Hop


The Geo floor Tiles by skip hop are in my opinion this is the best set of floor tiles you can get. Simply because they look great... even though it cost me a lot £60 from amazon, I think its so expensive because skip hop is an American company and like all things that come from America to the UK their are a lot of charges, but most of the time the products are amazingly stylish and durable. I felt it was worth it as it would be going in my living room. I would rather have this lovely mat than have a brightly coloured mat in all the primary colours. it is lovely and soft too, I find that its great for tummy time as I can place all his toys on the floor and not have to worry about him rolling around and I can lay down and play next to him. The first day we played on it Jackson got all tired out and went for a nap on it he must have been comfortable. Its also lovely and warm it would be good to use on a wooden floor, I have carpets but I also have a dog and cat so I feel that having the mat is a lot more hygienic than a blanket on the floor. The tiles are also in triangles so you can make lots of different patterns and create different looks which is a great and almost makes it like a jigsaw puzzle. I really just love the chevron look though! I hope that this mat will last along time so that I will get my moneys worth. 


Small Space Play Area


I live in a one bedroom flat. Its not too spacious, so Jackson doesn't have his own room until we move. Since we actually have a pretty big living room I have dedicated a box window bay area to his play area. I bought some polkadot wall stickers for about £5 off of amazon. They are wall safe so they can be peeled off pretty easy and are a cheap way to decorate. I am going to add some shelfs and some hooks next along with some sort of toy storage. So far I think it looks really nice. The balloons were for Valentines day but I also hope to decorate with some bunting or something after they deflate. I still need to get a baby gate for when he becomes more mobile. I hope we will move to somewhere bigger soon but for now this small space play area is perfect. :) I will update further when I add more things... If anyone has any suggestions I will be happy to hear them :) 

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